Career Happiness Coaching


As a smart, career-focused professional, you deserve to make the most of your work life.

The Bauke Group can help. We are here to partner with you in a way that makes the most sense for where you are right now, and where you want to go. Ready to maximize your possibilities, opportunities, salary, and career satisfaction? Ready to dial up your career happiness?

What is Career Happiness?

Career Happiness is the career role and situation that enables you to do what you do best, like to do most, in a place or situation where that is appreciated and where you can be successful. It is the career you want that fits into the life you want… now or in the future.

We work with professionals on all aspects of careers: planning, strategy, management, transition, search, and navigation.

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We have been in the business of Career Happiness for over 50 years, collectively. We believe in Career Happiness, we live it, have helped countless others find it, and want you to have it, too!